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Whether the Poor are Getting Rashan in the Negahban Program or not the Government is Investigating

Negahban Program

Negahban Program Free Rashan has been given to people after registration in the Neghaban program. The government of Pakistan has formed a team across Punjab to find out which people have received rations that were earmarked for the poor. Whether that ration has been given to the poor or not, the complete information and details will be conveyed to the government of Pakistan through the Punjab government.  Therefore, once again the listings have been issued, those who were ineligible have been decided to be eligible and they have also been assured of a free Rashan for those who want to register in the Rashan program.

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If they want to get a free Rashan after registration, then they have started to verify their registration, after registration in the In-line Neghaban program, whether the ration has reached the poor and needy people or not, the government of Punjab has started to verify it by itself. This is the first time in history that a ration program or any other program has been launched and an investigation has been carried out. Which is ensuring the availability of free Rashan to the poor and deserving people

How the Neghaban Team Investigate

A question arises in the minds of many people: How can the monitoring team find out whether the Rashan has reached the poor or not? They have the complete details. And they are going from house to house to find out whether you have received Rashan. And all the people’s houses will be interrogated till the night of the moon Whether you have received the Rashan or not, whether you have been assured of filling the Rashan or in what matters you are facing problems, what are your problems and why you have not received the Rashan.

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If more information and details are given to these representatives, they will be ensured the supply of Rashan at the same time That is, in the Neghaban program a team was formed that was going door to door collecting data of people And after collecting people’s data, this team was formed to ensure whether the person should be included in the program or not. Which is going to people’s houses. Rashan assistance is being ascertained as to whether they have been assured of Rashan maintenance.

How To Get Rashan From Neghaban Program

The Neghaban program ensures that the Rashan is delivered to people’s homes. A Rashan Bus goes to different areas and there the free Rashan is delivered to the doorstep of every house The person who wants to get Rashan goes to the vehicle with his ID number, gives full details of the vehicle, tells the agent that he should supply Rashan to him, then asks for full details of ID card number, phone number. 

He is then informed whether he has been qualified or disqualified and whether he will be assured of Rashan. Full details are furnished to him at that time. This procedure is designed to ensure the provision of free Rashan in the Neghaban program If you also want to get free Rashan through the Neghaban program then you can get it easily

Whether the Poor are Getting Rashan in the Negahban Program or not the Government is Investigating

Maryam Nawaz Program 2024

All information has been given to Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz, about how you will join the Neghaban program and the process of rescission in the Neghaban program has also been told, thus the investigation has been started. In order to ensure that the ration is reaching the right people or not, a team of poor and deserving people has been given research, which has been spread across Punjab by the government of Pakistan.

which is saving information from people whether the delivery of the Rashan was ensured, and whether it reached the right people or not.

Negahban Rashan Program Information 

Registration has been made easy in the Neghaban program. This program has been started to ensure the supply of free Rashan to the near and deserving people during Ramadan. This has been announced by Maryam Nawaz of Punjab That the poor and deserving people will be given free ration and ration will be given to those whose PMT score is less than 60% and those who earn less than 40 thousand paise, maximum assistance will be given those people.

The Neghaban program has been started to help these people Under the Neghaban program, poor and deserving people will be included in other programs along with the provision of free ration And more facilities will be provided to them and if any person of your choice wants to join this program then he can register himself by following easy steps.

Final Words 

Negahban Program The purpose of this article is to tell you whether the Rashan has been delivered to the poor or not. A team has been formed to find out about this. Through the team, all the information will be conveyed to the office of Chief Minister Punjab Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has strongly said that it is necessary to find out whether want the complete details of the poor, so the Chief Minister of Punjab has formed a team for the complete details.

Through which complete information is going to his office and finding out Whether the Rashan has reached the poor in which areas free Rashan were provided was done. So that the poor and deserving people can get free Rashan and earn good money some simple steps have been taken to ensure free Rashan to them through which they will be provided complete details.