Neghaban Rashan Subsidy Program
Congratulations, SMS service has been restored to apply for Neghaban Rashan Subsidy Program. If you want to get your financial aid ration by getting your registration done. And you don’t know the registration procedure or you are disqualified. So you don’t need to worry. So this article must be read carefully so that you can know the right way how you can register in Neghaban Rashan Subsidy Program through SMS at home.
Remember the registration process has been made very easy once you register for this program. So then you have to check the eligibility. To check the eligibility, we have provided Neghaban Portal 2024 on our website. So that the people living in Punjab can get the facility to check the eligibility so read the article with explanation thanks.
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Negahban Rashan Subsidy Program of Registration Process
If you haven’t been able to join the guardian program yet, don’t worry. Because the registration has started again, so if you want to register through SMS, then you have to use the official code of Nighaban program. One thing to keep in mind is that the official code of the guardian program is 8070 through which guardians can submit their application to the program. When you enter 8070% with your CNIC number to apply, you will be sent a confirmation message.
If you are eligible then you can collect your ration by visiting the Nigahban Program Center established in your area. Remember that in this ration, you are given 10 kg bags of flour, 2 kg ghee, 2 kg rice, 2 kg gram flour, 2 kg banaspati rice. These rations are given in a bag issued by the Nighaban programme. So make sure to register early so that you too can get your ration package.
Requirements for Registration
You must have the following documents for registration. So that your registration can ensure that you have joined Neghaban Rashan Subsidy.
Following are the required documents:
- Original National Identity Card
- Your registered and used mobile number
- Your household’s gas and electricity bill
- You should have complete information about your household
- Your current address
- Details of monthly income
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Neghaban Rashan New Method of Registering by SMS
The procedure to apply for Neghaban program through SMS has been released. The Neghaban program has been reinstated with official code 8070. Now the process of registering your eligibility is very easy for the residents of Punjab by immediately sending their CNIC number to 8070.ย

First of all you have to go to the message box of your mobile and enter your CNIC number without space and write the word ATTA before it and then send this message to 80 70 within a few seconds your information The message will be found.
Eligibility Criteria for Rashan Subsidy
So for registration in Nihgaban program you have to fulfill the eligibility criteria of Nihgaban program which is as follows:
- You should belong to Punjab province
- Poverty score should be less than 25%
- You must belong to a poor family
- Your name should not be more than four acres of land
- Your monthly income should be up to 50 thousand
Latest Updates and Changes about Negahban Subsidy Program
According to the latest update of Neghaban Rasahn Subsidy program, those people have started getting ration where Nighaban program teams have reached. If the Nighaban Program teams have not reached your area yet or you have any problem, you can immediately contact the Nighaban Program helpline number.
Maryam Nawaz has established Nighaban helpline to facilitate the people. Through which you can immediately talk to the representatives of Maryam Nawaz and file a complaint about your ration package. After that you will be processed immediately and your ration will be delivered to your doorstep.
Also Read: Check Your Eligibility in the Negahban Program using code 8171